Crafting My Identity as a Journal Editor: Early Career Researchers’ Learning of Academic Literacy and Socialization (73192)
Session Chair: Yunreun Kwag
Thursday, 23 November 2023 17:30
Session: Session 5
Room: Room 708
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Although academic literacy development is critical for fostering next generation researchers, how early career researchers learn academic literacy and socialize in the scholarly community is underexplored. Academic literacy development and socialization is a complex, socially situated, and multifaceted process which requires understanding of international and domestic discourse of academic community and practice, language learning, and power. The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of academic literacy development and socialization among early career researchers in higher education. We draw our experiences in offering services to the academy community by managing, interacting, and coordinating with academic society. In our interactions with authors, reviewers, assistants, publishers, and other editors, we facilitate our learning of tacit knowledge and expertise, academy literacies (e.g., disciplinary based literacy and sociocultural literacy), power and authority. We contribute to the literature on academic socialization of postdoctoral researchers in non-formal learning.
Yunreun Kwag, Seoul National University, South Korea
Jinhee Choi, aSSIST University, South Korea
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Yunreun Kwag is a University Postdoctoral Fellow or Instructor at Seoul National University in South Korea
See this presentation on the full schedule – Thursday Schedule
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