The Impact of Student- Versus Teacher-Led Error Correction in the EFL Classroom: Validity and Reliability Considerations (73775)

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Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

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Corrective Feedback (CF), defined by Lightbown and Spada (1999) as, ‘Any indication to the learners that their use of the target language was incorrect’, can be classified as being either teacher- or student-led. Empirical evidence suggests that student-led correction is more effective (Lyster and Ranta, 1997); however, it has been found that teacher-led correction is the most commonly used (Pawlack, 2014). The objective of these interventions is to establish the comparable efficacy and perceived effectiveness of the two forms of error correction with students in a Japanese senior high school and to ascertain their views on appropriate error correction (EC) methods. To do this, a series of tests were designed to gauge students’ emerging grammatical accuracy in both oral and written communication. In order to gauge students’ perceptions of the efficacy of the EC methods, a short survey was administered at the end of the testing stage.

Before beginning the large-scale main trial, an external pilot study was conducted to validate the feasibility of the planned research. The current paper notes the considerations involved in the study, as well as the limitations of pilot studies. It then moves on to detail the modifications that were made to the instruments, the testing procedures and other data collection instruments, which increased the validity and reliability of the proposed quasi-experimental study. At the conclusion of the pilot, it was found that the full study could proceed.

Aric Denfield, Nichidai Sakuragaoka High School, Japan

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Aric Denfield is a School Teacher/Instructor at Nichidai Sakuragaoka High School in Japan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00