Inclusivity in Higher Education: Gaps in Polytechnic Students’ Transitioning to National University of Singapore (NUS) (75242)

Session Information:

Thursday, 23 November 2023 16:15
Session: Undergraduate Poster Session (AURS)
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The transition from Polytechnic to NUS is complex, influenced by Singapore's meritocratic ethos deeply ingrained in its education system, which lauds ability-based rewards (Tan, 2008). This system plays an integral role in shaping student experiences and perceptions across different stages of their academic journey. However, in higher education, this system reveals intricate dynamics. While some students traverse this shift seamlessly, others grapple with varied challenges, be it acclimating to academic rigour, integrating within diverse peer groups, or adjusting to an altered learning paradigm.

Although higher education voices commitment to diversity and inclusivity, studies such as the MOE Singapore cohort study (2007) and Lim (2021), primarily spotlight the motivations guiding polytechnic students to university. Yet, there's scant comprehensive exploration of transitional intricacies and the structural elements shaping them. Literature suggests periodic skewness in meritocracy, with potential ethnic biases as noted by Teo (2020), and a tendency to sideline vocational education, reinforcing class hierarchies, as articulated by Chong (2014).

Through this Poster Presentation, I aim to delve deeply into the polytechnic-to-NUS transition, addressing these research voids. This exploration will pivot around four central themes: skills migration from polytechnic, NUS’s institutional support mechanisms, prevailing peer perceptions, and forward-looking recommendations. I anticipate this presentation to unearth refined insights into Polytechnic students' transition experiences at NUS. Potential findings could spotlight institutional or societal barriers, enriching the broader conversation on higher education's diversity and inclusivity. The insights drawn might guide policy and practice at NUS and akin institutions, advocating for more inclusive environments.

Gautham Vijayan Kumaran, National University of Singapore, Singapore

About the Presenter(s)
Mr Gautham S/O Vijayan Kumaran is a University Undergraduate Student at National University of Singapore in Singapore

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00