Gender-and-Color Matched Apparel Advertising, Likelihood of Purchase and Estimated Fair Price: A Mixed Methods (75820)
Thursday, 23 November 2023 16:15
Session: Undergraduate Poster Session (AURS)
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Purchasing decisions (PD), especially those about one’s clothing, can be personal and well thought of, and people may be susceptible to having their PD influenced by external factors, including gender stereotypes.
The study aims to find out if stereotypical colour matching (male participant and blue clothing in the ad, female participant and pink clothing in the ad) influences purchasing and pricing decision (PrD).
It also asks if there is a relationship between likelihood of purchase (LOP) and estimated fair price (EFP).
And through open-ended questions, it also aims to find the different themes found among those indicating very low or very high likelihood of purchase.
The study is a descriptive comparative and open-ended online survey. The research used opportunity sampling and the participants were seventy-six (76) adolescents and adults, ages ranging from 15-25 years, who are current students (or graduates) of international schools in Thailand.
The study did not find any significant difference between colour-matched and colour unmatched participants with regards to LOP and EFP (sig.=.405, p>.05). However, there was a positive correlation between LOP and EFP (r=.326). Lastly, content analysis showed that high LOP may be influenced by perceived quality, appreciation for the model, and colour preference (regardless of gender).
Daryl Hsu, Singapore International School Bangkok, Thailand
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Daryl Hsu is a University Undergraduate Student at Singapore international school bangkok in Thailand
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