A Social Privilege Simulation Game (76103)
Session Chair: Naomi Tsunematsu
Saturday, 25 November 2023 11:55
Session: Session 2
Room: Room D (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
This study introduces a game for social change designed to allow players to observe and understand the concept of gender privilege and its mechanisms. The game was developed in collaboration between Sapienza University of Rome and The Business Game srl, a company specialising in designing educational games and business simulations. The primary objective of this game is to enable managers and students to closely observe and reflect on the dynamics of gender privilege using a learning-by-doing approach grounded in empathy and critical thinking. Raising awareness about privilege dynamics is crucial for fostering a reconsideration of business activities from a social inclusion perspective, which holds significance for both current managers and the "managers of tomorrow" (i.e., the students). This article presents the rules, settings, and objectives of the game. Furthermore, it discusses the game's predicted outcomes considering relevant literature on privilege, the anticipated learning results and emerging dynamics during the game debriefing. Overall, the aim is to share this experiential learning opportunity and its related findings to encourage educational initiatives focused on sustainable business management and diversity management.
Sabrina Fontanella, Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy
Alan Mattiassi, GAME Science Research Center, Italy
Giulia Comuzzi, University of Udine, Italy
Baldissin Nicola, University of Udine, Italy
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Sabrina Fontanella is a Phd student at Sapienza università di Roma. Her fields of interest are game design and active learning, circular economy and social sustainability. Right now she also is collaborating with an Italian game design company.
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