Exploring the Effect of Armed Conflict on Children’s Education in Nigeria (83715)
Session Chair: Nor Farizal Mohammed
Thursday, 28 November 2024 14:50
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 703 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
The conflict profoundly affects citizens' lives, depriving children worldwide of their right to education. Nigeria stands out as one of the most significant African countries currently facing increased conflict, beginning with terrorist activities in the northeast. Although these studies commonly use the number of events or fatalities at the district or province level as conflict indicators, they have not quantitatively assessed how specific conflict events, including their targets and details, influence children's access to education. Moreover, the impact of conflict extends beyond the immediate district, affecting educational access in other regions. Despite this, scant research has focused on the ripple effect of conflict on primary school children's educational access.This study, therefore, aims to investigate the impact of individual conflict events on educational access and the broader spillover effect in Nigeria. The study employs quantitative analysis using data from the Nigerian General Panel Survey, covering waves 1 to 4 (2009-2019). Our findings indicate that the incidence of school attacks and student abductions, especially those occurring within 10 kilometers of the village, has detrimentally impacted students' access to primary education. Our findings indicate that the incidence of school attacks and student abductions, especially those occurring within 10 kilometers of the village, has detrimentally impacted students' access to primary education. Furthermore, these negative effects on children’s access to education extend to neighboring districts, with a more pronounced impact on female students. These insights offer a new dimension to existing research on policies aimed at ensuring educational access in conflict-affected areas in Nigeria.
Ryuto Minami, Kobe University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Minami is a doctoral student at Kobe University’s Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies and a research fellow of the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS).
See this presentation on the full schedule – Thursday Schedule
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