The Use of Pecha-Kucha as a Presentation Tool in a Blended Learning Course (83965)
Session Chair: Nino Naldoza
Wednesday, 27 November 2024 14:10
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 603 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Emerging media tools provides an opportunity to enrich classroom blended learning experiences. Hence, this study described and evaluated the use of Pecha-Kucha as a presentation tool in a graduate school course implemented through blended learning modality. Using descriptive qualitative study, semi-structured interviews and media analysis were initiated from the purposive sample of 8 Pecha-Kucha outputs of graduate school students and select Educational Technology experts. The thematic analysis revealed that the graduate students exhibited confidence, ease of concept organization and enhanced visual and technical skills in preparing the Pecha-Kucha output. It also revealed that the outputs provided concise elements on the presentation of content, enhanced presentation of a multimedia and easy to communicate with the target audience. The outputs also exhibited good multimedia quality in terms of aesthetic, relevance and appropriate use of media elements. In conclusion, the Pecha-Kucha presentation outputs achieve a good production quality and instructional relevance in a blended learning environment. Implications and recommendations were also discussed.
Nino Naldoza, Philippine Normal University, Philippines
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Naldoza is the current Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education and Information Sciences (FEIS) at Philippine Normal University – Manila.
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