My Child is Going Home for University – Transitioning Experiences of Expatriate Parents Living in the UAE (84216)
Tuesday, 26 November 2024 13:00
Session: Poster Session 2
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
Literature has established that the transition to university is a significant life event which often presents challenges for students and their families. For expatriate families this transitioning experience can be especially complex when the children are planning to return to their home country to study. The current research aimed to investigate the expectations and experiences of expatriate parents living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) whose children had left to attend university in their home countries. 27 parents completed a questionnaire which included open-ended questions addressing issues relating to level of parental involvement, concerns, and support needs before, during and after the transition to university. These responses were analysed using Thematic Analysis and three main themes emerged from the data: “Is my child good enough?’; “How can we afford this?” and “Settling in”. The parents in this study highlighted that their children moving overseas for university suddenly placed them a flight away, had impacted on the family dynamics, particularly for those “left behind” such as siblings, and had considerable financial implications for the family. These findings add to the literature on transitioning by focusing on a specific group whose voices have not previously been heard. The findings are discussed through an ecological systems lens, highlighting areas for potential support services and future research.
Rachel Takriti, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Susan Atkinson, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Lindsay Schofield, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Lisa Ramshaw, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Leanne Shay, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Rachel Takriti is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at United Arab Emirates University in United Arab Emirates
See this presentation on the full schedule – Tuesday Schedule
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