Digitizing Instructional Resources: Development of Learning Materials Repository Hub (LMRH) (85255)
Session Chair: Raquel Adriano
Thursday, 28 November 2024 13:45
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 603 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
The study employed a developmental approach to create a Learning Materials Repository Hub (LMRH) for the K-12 program of the Department of Education (DepEd). This involved digitizing learning resources and developing Digitized Learning Materials (DLM) based on the Alternative Delivery Mode Learning Resource (ADMLR) standard. Graduate School students enrolled in the first trimester of the school year 2022-2023 were tasked to develop the DLM as a requirement for their subject, Computer Education. Developed DLMs underwent language editing and acceptability evaluation by DepEd experts. The LMRH was designed and developed using website development software, categorizing DLMs by subject and grade level. Testing was conducted to ensure the functionality of the hub. The Evaluation and Review Criteria for New Non-PRINT Resources provided by DepEd were utilized. The Content Quality (x̄=3.64), Instructional Quality (x̄=3.56), Technical Quality (x̄=3.64), and Structure of the Material (x̄=3.51) composed the overall mean of 3.59, interpreted as Very Satisfactory. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is composed of Perceive Usefulness (x̄=3.65), Perceive Ease of Use (x̄=3.61), Attitude Toward Using (x̄=3.68), and Intention to Use (x̄=3.69) composed an overall mean of 3.66, interpreted as Strongly Agree. To ensure quality, IT experts and teachers evaluated the system through the System Usability Scale (SUS), which garnered a total score of 93.33 and 74.07, interpreted as excellent and good, respectively. Results indicate that the system is appropriate for the intended users.
Raquel Adriano, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Joseline Santos, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Marian Minneli Cruz, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Gerriper Bernardo, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Eunice Custodio, Bulacan State University, Philippines
Mayleen Dorcas Castro, Bulacan State University, Philippines
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Raquel C. Adriano is an educator and researcher with a strong background in the field of ICT and education. She currently serves as Professor VI at the College of Information and Communications Technology at Bulacan State University, Philippines.
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