Cultivating Psychological Safety: A Cross-Cultural Exploration for Counselor Education Training (85328)
Session Chair: Zachary Pietrantoni
Tuesday, 26 November 2024 16:35
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 605 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This presentation examines the utilization of the Discrimination Model (DM; Bernard & Goodyear, 2009) and Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR; Cashwell, 1994) as a training approach to foster psychological safety in counselors-in-training. Both models offer a comprehensive framework for understanding and addressing challenges faced by these trainees. The goal is to explore how counselor educators can use these models to create a psychologically safe learning environment that encourages risk-taking in learning and aiding in navigating sensitive and emotionally charged interactions with clients. A key feature of this presentation is its emphasis on cross-cultural perspectives from the United States of America (USA) and Japan. Drawing upon cross-cultural perspectives, empirical studies, practical insights, and personal experience, this presentation will explore the cultural factors that influence the application and adaptation of the DM and IPR within counselor education programs in the USA and Japan, as well as individual counseling practice and training environments for various levels of trainees. Key themes to be addressed include: (a) the role of cultural values, (b) communication styles, and (c) societal norms in shaping the perception and experience of psychological safety. Additionally, this presentation will examine potential challenges and opportunities associated with cross-cultural implementation of the DM and IPR, offering practical strategies for enhancing cultural responsiveness and inclusivity within counselor education training.
Zachary Pietrantoni, Florida International University, United States
Makoto Miyoshi, Otsuma Women's University, Japan
Jared Lau, Texas Tech University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Zachary Pietrantoni is an Assistant Professor at Florida International University, he is interested in school counselor training and development, he is currently working on projects related to interdisciplinary collaboration.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Tuesday Schedule
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