Examining How Subjective Aging Moderates the Impact of Professional Development and Career Engagement on Career Exploration Among Primary School Teachers (85509)
Session Chair: Yvonne Chin Chen Yong
Wednesday, 27 November 2024 11:25
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 708 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This study investigates career satisfaction, engagement, and professional development possibilities among primary school teachers influenced by subjective aging. We examine how aging views affect professional development's ability to increase career engagement and ensuing career satisfaction activities, using a sample of 265 public primary school teachers from district Lahore Pakistan. Surveys evaluating professional development opportunities, career engagement, subjective aging, and career satisfaction habits were used to gather data. The findings show that the association between career satisfaction and professional development is considerably moderated by subjective aging, with teachers who feel growing up are greatly benefiting from training opportunities. Similarly, career engagement significantly impacts career satisfaction, especially for individuals whose subjective age is quite young. These results highlight how crucial it is to take subjective aging into account when creating professional development initiatives to optimize their influence on career advancement. Discussion of the implications for teacher development programs emphasizes the necessity for individualized strategies that take into account individual variances in aging perceptions.
Tajammal Hussain Awan, Superior University Lahore Pakistan, Pakistan
Muhammad Zia Aslam, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan
Muhammad Abubaker Malik, Abdali Grammar School Lahore, Pakistan
Ali Farhan, Government High School Wafaqi Colony Lahore, Pakistan
Nayyar Iqbal, School Education Department, Pakistan
Abdul Rauf Awan, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Tajammal Hussain Awan is a University Doctoral Student at Superior University Lahore Pakistan in Pakistan
See this presentation on the full schedule – Wednesday Schedule
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