Investigating the Possibility for Serious Game Intervention in Agricultural Extension in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review (85516)

Session Information:

Tuesday, 26 November 2024 13:00
Session: Poster Session 2
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Agricultural training and extension programs in Indonesia have not yet been implemented effectively to increase learner’s understanding due to the limitations in terms of capacity of the instructors and facilities during the programs. Serious games have been used as an intervention method in numerous sectors for training purposes. This game is designed with the main goals to achieve educational objectives, particularly in training development programs. The study attempts to assess the potential of serious games as an agricultural training method by examining the instructor's capabilities and the enhancements they promote, based on scientific articles from prior research. This research uses a systematic literature review method with the PRISMA Framework as the protocol. The databases used are Scopus, Crossref, and Google Scholar from 2014–2024 using Perish or Publish software. The keywords used are arranged based on the PICO framework, with a focus on serious game intervention in agricultural extension. Based on the literature study conducted, two main highlights were found. First, serious games have the potential to be an effective intervention in conducting agricultural training, from extension workers to farmers and non-farmers. Second, the use of serious games in the field of agricultural extension and training is still not widely implemented in Indonesia due to the lack of capacity of instructors and training program facilities. Further investigation regarding the use and effectiveness of serious game simulations in agricultural training will be needed to become a study that can be considered by agricultural extension institutions and the government.

Ilhamda El Zuhri, Monash University, Australia
Rangga Alif Faresta, Monash University, Australia

About the Presenter(s)
Ilhamda El Zuhri is currently a master student in International Development Practice, Monash University, Australia.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00