Redesign of an Overseas Faculty Development Program at Waseda University in Japan: A Design-Based Research Report (85524)
Session Chair: Tara Nkrumah
Wednesday, 27 November 2024 13:45
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 705 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This presentation reports on the process and outcomes of redesigning an overseas faculty development (FD) program conducted by Waseda University in Japan. The program has annually dispatched a cohort of approximately ten faculty members for a two-week period to University of Washington in the United States. In response to changing circumstances and faculty needs post-COVID-19, we undertook a comprehensive review and redesign of the program. This presentation focuses on the program implemented in 2024, which was redesigned based on a needs assessment conducted among the 2023 program participants. Since the results of the needs assessment revealed a diversification of faculty members' pedagogical experiences and an increased expectation for practical content in the program, two main improvements were planned for the 2024 program. The first improvement involved the pre-departure program, providing pedagogical knowledge in a flexible format blending on-demand content and face-to-face workshops to accommodate participant diversity. The second improvement aimed to enhance practicality in the on-site program by increasing the opportunities for class observations and subsequent discussions. To evaluate the effectiveness of these changes, surveys were conducted with participants four times: before and after the pre-departure program, after the on-site program, and three months after the on-site program. These assessments confirmed enhanced knowledge in the pre-departure program and high satisfaction with the on-site program. Few examples of similar overseas dispatched-type FD programs exist in Japan. Our research will offer valuable insights into the development of a novel model for FD programs through the iterative process of redesigning the program.
Mayumi Abe, Waseda University, Japan
Yusuke Morita, Waseda University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Mayumi Abe is currently an Assistant Professor at the Center for Higher Education Studies of Waseda University.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Wednesday Schedule
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