The Authenticity of EFL Summative Test Tasks at Senior High Schools in West Seram, Maluku Province, Indonesia (86291)
Session Chair: Chenrui Miao
Thursday, 28 November 2024 09:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 708 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
The objective of this study was to find out the authenticity of the EFL summative test at the Senior High School in Seram, Maluku, Indonesia. The research design was a descriptive quantitative study. The data was collected from the documents of summative test items that consist of two major parts; forty multiple-test items and three open-ended questions. The instruments rubric was constructed to assess test authenticity. The analysis focused on test task authenticity, covering the setting, structure of the communicative event, input, and expected response. The rubric was constructed based on the characteristic of authenticity proposed by Bachman and Palmer (1996), and Brown and Abeywickrama, (2018). The finding showed that the summative test consists of 13 tasks using 9 short reading texts, 3 open-ended questions, and 2 short dialogue texts that served different social functions such as short message, self-introduction, recount text, announcement, narrative, argumentative text, invitation, recount text of personal experience, business letter, greeting, and turn taking. Concerning task authenticity, there were 34 out of 43 items on all task components were identified as high authentic while 9 items were low authentic. The cumulative analysis of all tasks indicated that 67% were highly authentic, while 33% were low authentic.
Hardianto Hitimala, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Hardianto Hitimala is a University Postgraduate Student at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Indonesia
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hardianto hitimala
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