Evaluating Clinical Learning Outcomes in Undergraduate Physical Therapy Education (88139)
Monday, 25 November 2024 15:50
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
The concept of entrustable professional activities (EPA) has gained prominence as a useful framework for the approach of competency-based education. The study aims: to establish a scoring system for EPA implemented in a clinical learning course for exploring progress in competencies within the course. Methods: This study focused on an undergraduate clinical course conducted in teaching hospitals. EPA items were defined as a series of task activities designed to tailor with the learning topic. The establishment of EPA scoring scales went through several stages, including developing learning outcome milestones for each EPA item and designing a set of questionnaire. Three clinical instructors participated and they conducted three independent assessments for each student at the beginning, mid-term and at the end of the learning period. The proficiency of students in acquiring entrustable competencies during learning was illustrated through quantitative analyses. Results: The EPA topic consisted of 13 task activities. A total of 30 students (12 males) were recruited to undergo assessments using the scoring system. The clinical learning duration was arranged for either 6 or 9 weeks for each student. Our results depicted the averages of the learning performances of the students across the 13 task activities throughout the course. Conclusion: Our findings were suggested that the established EPA task activities possess good construct validity, effectively reflecting various aspects of the learning outcomes associated with developing clinical competency. Establishing an appropriate scoring system would assist instructors in evaluating student performances and providing targeted feedback to strengthen areas which requiring further learning.
Hui-Yi Wang, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Hui-Yi Wang is currently a Professor of Physical Therapy Department at Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Monday Schedule
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