The Experiences of Classmates Surrounding Incidents of ‘Vomiting’ in Schools: An Investigation Using Scenario-Based Retrospective Among University Students (88571)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Poster Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation
In school life, the majority of classroom and other group activities take place. When an injury or illness occurs, it is necessary to give guidance and consideration not only to the injured or ill, but also to students other than the injured or ill. The purpose of this study is to clarify how classmates other than the injured or ill person perceive the scene of an injury or illness. A questionnaire survey of 246 university students was conducted on a fictitious case using the recall method. Most elementary school students were averse to vomiting and often left the scene, whereas middle school students tended to express concern for the vomiting student and actively try to assist him or her. The emotions and behaviors toward injury and illness differed between elementary school students and junior high school students. It was suggested that appropriate instruction differed depending on the development of the student. Appropriate guidance should be considered for each of these differences. It is important to understand the feelings that classmates feel in injury/illness outbreak situations and to provide appropriate guidance to avoid negative feelings toward the injured person.
Maho Komura, Gifu University, Japan
Takashi Sano, Chukyo University, Japan
Mako Momoda, Hyogo Institute for Traumatic Stress, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Maho Komura is currently an Assistant Professor of Gifu University, Japan and was previously a postdoctoral fellow at Kobe University, Japan.
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