Active Learning Approach to Global Citizenship Education: Determinants of Achieving Robust Learning Outcomes (88606)
Session Chair: Anupama Devendrakumar
Thursday, 28 November 2024 10:45
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 607 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
As an instructor of the course Global Political Economy (GPE), I conduct research to identify the active learning determinants that lead to robust global citizenship education (GCE) learning outcomes. The research focuses on Vietnamese undergraduate students enrolled in the GPE course under the general education program. This research is based on the conceptual framework in which the GPE course learning outcomes are mapped to align with GCE learning objectives, and then the active learning methods of the course are designed to embed the GPE course learning outcomes. The paper uses mixed research methods. Pre-course and post-course student self-assessment surveys, and 18 in-depth student focus-group interviews are used as sources of quantitative data and qualitative insights. The results show the following determinants emerge as robust channels of meeting the learning objectives of GCE: (i) real-world exposure; (ii) case study approach; (iii) peer-to-peer interaction; (iv) space for reflection (v) teacher as a role model. The qualitative insights collected through the in-depth interviews serve as evidence of achieving the GCE learning objectives in three categories: knowledge and skills, attitudes and values, and behavior. The research also explores insights on GCE in the context of Vietnam. The research findings contribute to enhancing the current understanding of the effectiveness of active learning methods; provide suggestions for designing robust active learning methods; and more importantly put the active learning determinants in context to achieve global citizenship education.
Anupama Devendrakumar, VinUniversity, Vietnam
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Anupama Devendrakumar is currently a Senior Lecturer of Global Political Economy at the College of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity, Vietnam.
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