Preparing E-Tutors for Success: A Qualitative Analysis of a Community Management Training Module for Students (72815)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Poster Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

Just as corporate community managers are responsible for digital and cross-location collaboration in corporate communities, their counterparts in the university context - e-tutors - deal with the moderation and support of virtual group work. Here, e-tutors have a variety of tasks that go beyond merely monitoring their supervised groups. They need to be equipped with numerous competencies to ensure successful e-tutoring.

This study investigates the gap on how a qualification module for e-tutors should be designed to prepare them best. For this purpose, seven participants in an e-tutor qualification module were interviewed. It was found that the qualification module had gaps in the training of intercultural competencies, which in turn influenced the interviewees' readiness to become e-tutors. Additionally, beneficial formats for competence development were identified. The study found that Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) is a helpful format for developing several competencies, particularly media competencies. In addition, certain framework conditions must be given to attract students to the module, e.g., practical relevance or the acquisition of certificates.

Based on the findings, the study provides recommendations for designing a qualification module for e-tutors, including the importance of addressing intercultural competencies, incorporating e-tutor tandems, and providing VCL opportunities. The study also discusses the implications of its findings, including the direct impact of the module on the next generation of e-tutors. In conclusion, this study offers insights into the development of competencies for e-tutors and provides practical recommendations for enhancing the e-tutoring experience.

Lisa-Marie Langesee, TU Dresden, Germany
Nick Volkmann, TU Dresden, Germany
Alexander Clauss, TU Dresden, Germany
Laura Hilse, TU Dresden, Germany

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Lisa-Marie Langesee is a University Doctoral Student at TU Dresden in Germany

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00