Literature Review of Teachers’ Perspective of Blended Learning Model in Secondary and Higher Institutions (73674)

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Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

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The objective of this paper is to provide an extensive literature review of academic papers written in English about teachers’ perspective of Blended learning model in secondary and higher-level educational institutions. The research clearly shows us, that there are many factors that influence how the implementation of the Blended learning model is accepted by different educational institutions and in many cases, it comes right down to culture. This is also the reason why, the implementation tactics and acceptance can’t just be copied from one country to another, or from one culture to another, so the approach changes each time. There are differences between implementing the model into different levels of education, for example secondary education or higher education and there are also differences between the perceived perspective of Blended learning model on each educational level. The results show us that most of the research done in this area has been connected with students’ satisfaction and mostly in higher education institutions. There are some papers that have been researching secondary education level but even these papers mostly focus on students’ perspective and very rarely on teachers’ perspective. These results imply that more research needs to be done from teachers’ perspective and in secondary level institutions. Blended learning is definitely staying here for good and it has brought a lot of success to education but we can also see that more work and research needs to be done to achieve a quality education and satisfaction on all sides.

Vesna Lavric, DOBA Business School, China

About the Presenter(s)
Vesna Lavric is a teacher with 8 years of university teaching experience and 2 years in secondary education. Vesna is also a doctoral student at DOBA business school. Her passion in life are education and family.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00