The Use of Digital Media in Empowering Students’ Digital Literacy and Critical Thinking in Biology Learning (80168)
Session Chair: Leemarc Alia
Wednesday, 27 November 2024 17:10
Session: Session 5
Room: Room 607 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This research is qualitative and aims to find out how digital media is used to empower students' digital literacy and critical thinking in biology learning. The methods used were filling out questionnaires and conducting interviews. 76 class XI students at SMA Negeri, 1 Kesesi, Indonesia, and 2 biology teachers were selected as the research sample in this study. The research results showed the following aspects: Firstly, the student's digital literacy questionnaire is 71%, which is classified as moderate in digital literacy indicators including finding, using sources, selecting, evaluating, considering sources, message effects, and using data to produce work; secondly, students critical thinking skills is 65% which is classified as relatively low, not yet able to assess evidence, compare and contrast various objects with actual conditions and cannot examine them objectively; thirdly, some of the things that teachers do to train these two skills are by inviting students to search for information via Google/search engines and video searches to support the teacher's explanations, using Canva to make some presentation and using Google Lens to image any plants around the school. Unfortunately, teachers do not train them on how to search using appropriate keywords and trusted sources. Finally, teachers must be more active and innovative in maximizing the wise use of digital media to improve students' digital literacy and critical thinking skills.
M Imam Fauzi, The State University of Malang, Indonesia
Mimien Henie Irawati Al Muhdhar, The State University of Malang, Indonesia
Hendra Susanto, The State University of Malang, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Mr M Imam Fauzi is a University Postgraduate Student at The State University of Malang in Indonesia
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