The Role of Personalized Companionship in Chinese Family Education: Practice and Reflection of Child Growth Companions (87509)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
This study aims to delve into the role and impact of the emerging profession of "Child Growth Companions" (referred to by Chinese netizens as "Divine Beast Companions") in modern Chinese family education. With the development of the social economy and changes in family structure, the importance of family education has become increasingly prominent, and Child Growth Companions, as an emerging force in family education, have attracted increasing market demand and attention. This paper first analyzes the background of the rise of the Child Growth Companion profession, market demand, and social recognition. Subsequently, using in-depth interviews and case analysis, the paper explores the companionship methods of Child Growth Companions in children's learning, sports, and play, as well as the positive impact of these methods on children's habit formation and personality development. In the research, Erikson's theory of psychosocial development is applied to analyze the companionship strategies and effects of Child Growth Companions at different stages of children's development. The study finds that Child Growth Companions have significant advantages in providing personalized companionship and promoting the comprehensive development of children, but there are also potential issues, such as the uneven professional quality of companions and the possibility of companionship methods replacing the role of parents. Finally, this paper puts forward regulatory suggestions for the Child Growth Companion industry, including improving the professional training of companions and clarifying the boundaries between the roles of companions and parents, to promote the healthy development of the industry and provide a beneficial supplement to family education.
Mengjie Ma, Guangzhou Xinhua University, China
Jiawei Tian, China Europe International Business School, China
Jiani Yang, Guangzhou Xinhua University, China
About the Presenter(s)
Jiani Yang is currently an lecturer of School of Art, Design and Mass Media, Guangzhou Xinhua University, The People's Republic of China.
See this presentation on the full schedule – On Demand Schedule
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