Japanese Kei Car (76898)

Session Information:

Thursday, 23 November 2023 16:15
Session: Undergraduate Poster Session (AURS)
Room: Room 701
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

In Japan, “kei cars” (small engine vehicles) are an indispensable part of daily life. And the Japanese small engines used in that cars are probably the best in the world. According to the data, in 2021, the most popular car in Japan was Honda's N-BOX, with 191,534 sold. Why do Japanese like this car? Because Japan is the only country in the world where the concept of a "kei car" is defined by law. There are several other advantages to using kei cars in Japan. The land is small, people do not travel long distances, and the roads are narrow. In other words, kei cars are essential in Japan. But other countries did not develop mini engines because these conditions did not exist. Japan is the only country that has this special and technically demanding vehicle. I use data from reviews, web sites of Japanese car companies, and previous studies. My research will reveal how this car technology, one of Japan's most outstanding technologies, was developed. In addition to the kei cars, Japanese car technology is among the best in the world. I think it is because of the existence of the conditions mentioned above that the development of small cars and engines has been promoted. And the conditions lead to the current technology and Japan's position in the world regarding car technology.

Chisato Kuroiwa, Chuo University, Japan

About the Presenter(s)
Ms Chisato Kuroiwa is a University Undergraduate Student at Chuo University in Japan

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00