Culturally Responsive Multimethods – A Lalaga (Woven) Approach (84744)
Session Chair: Atsuko Ibata
Tuesday, 26 November 2024 16:05
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 603 (6F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Addressing complex educational challenges calls for creative and novel methodological approaches. In this presentation I discuss the methods taken and implications of developing a culturally responsive multimethod approach that considered indigenous and Western qualitative approaches. I include insights on navigating multiple worldviews of a wider diverse research project team and discuss the challenges faced in research design with indigenous communities in a Western institution. The presentation will show the importance of the researcher enacting reflexive praxis engaged in lalaga or weaving multiple methods. Results presented include data from one of three studies highlighting key findings from multiple stakeholders and participants in the project design. Implications for practitioners in tertiary institutions targeting indigenous learners and their communities for transformative educational outcomes are discussed especially for policy makers and practitioners working with a high proportion of indigenous youth/learners, their families and communities. This presentation challenges the dominant deficit discourse of indigenous youth/learners as problems to be fixed.
Yvonne Ualesi, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Ualesi is a Senior Lecturer at Auckland University of Technology, Aotearoa New Zealand. Her research focusses on Indigenous constructs in the context of education and adolescent development with a special focus on multimethod approaches.
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