Presentation Schedule

Time Zone: Asia/Tokyo


Room A (Live Stream)

09:05 – No One Left Behind: Advocating for Equitable Opportunities for Success in Tertiary Education
-Susie Kung has been in education since 1980 and in teacher education for over 26 years.
-Mary Moeke is of Te Arawa and Ngāti Awa Māori descent and currently works in Te Kura Mātauranga (School of Education) at Te Pūkenga - Te Whare Takiura o Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand.
-Dr Ualesi is an early career researcher (ECR) forum committee member of the Royal Society of New Zealand as part of the national voice of New Zealand’s ECR community.
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Room B (Live Stream)
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Room C (Live Stream)
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Room D (Live Stream)
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Room E (Live Stream)
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Room F (Live Stream)
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Room G (Live Stream)
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Session 1

Room A (Live Stream)
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Session Chair: Chengeto Chaderopa

10:00 – Practice of Knowledge Presentation in Tunnel Engineering Teaching (70234)
Professor Jianqin Ma is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Chang'an University in China
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10:25 – Enhancing Engineering Education Quality Through Practical Hands-On Experiments and Authentic Assessment (76052)
Mr Khuong Nguyen-Vinh is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at RMIT University in Vietnam
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10:50 – Stemming the High Tide of Academic Integrity Breaches in Educational Settings: Authentic Teaching, Not Just Authentic Assessment (74144)
Dr Chengeto Chaderopa is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at International College of Management -Sydney in Australia
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Room B (Live Stream)
Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Session Chair: A. Michael Riskus

10:00 – Empowering Pre Service Training Programs: Optimizing Cooperating Teacher Engagement in Teacher Education (75267)
Julieta Fulgado, Ph.D., handles professional education and English subjects; serving as a supervising teacher to pre-service teachers in the University of Rizal System, Phillippines; engages in research outputs focusing on Teacher Education Program.
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10:25 – Teachers’ Beliefs in the Context of Paternalistic Leadership and Educational Disadvantages in the Time of School Closures (73956)
Ms Suqiong Zheng is a University Doctoral Student at University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom
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10:50 – A Study on Instructional Design and Practical Experience of Asking Questions by Pre-service Teachers (75498)
Ms. Yu-Hsuan Liao is currently a PhD student at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
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11:15 – PLCs: An Alternative Approach to Professional Development (76081)
Dr A. Michael Riskus is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Rabdan Academy in United Arab Emirates
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Room C (Live Stream)
Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Session Chair: Ed Sykes

10:00 – Exploring the Potential of Using AI Language Models in Democratising Global Language Test Preparation (75554)
Ms Amalia Novita Sari is a Business Owner/Executive at Sagara Abhipraya (SA) Edu Lab in Indonesia
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10:25 – An AI-Enabled Learning System with Personalized Learning Pathways: A Pilot Study of Its Impact on Learning of Statistics (75364)
Ms Poh Nguk Lau is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic in Singapore
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10:50 – AI-Assisted Academic Writing: A Comparative Study of Student-Crafted and ChatGPT-Enhanced Critiques in Ubiquitous Computing (75856)
Dr Ed Sykes is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Sheridan College, McMaster University, University of Toronto in Canada
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Room D (Live Stream)
Education Development: Policy & Experiences
Session Chair: Alexandra Vasile

10:00 – A Comparative Analysis of Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions Regarding Code-switching in EFL Classrooms: The Challenges, Pros, Cons, and Possible Opportunities (75389)
Ms QINGZEG ZHUOMA is a School Teacher/Instructor at English Department, Hainan Number One Nationalities High School, Hainan Tibet Autonomous Prefecture, China in China
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10:25 – Bilingual Education Policy and Practice: Teacher and Student Experiences of Bilingual Education in Sri Lanka (73584)
Ms Udumbara Samarakoon is a University Doctoral Student at Hiroshima City University in Japan
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10:50 – Teachers’ Voices on the Integration of Content and Language in a Business English Programme in China: Through a Pluriliteracies Lens (76145)
Mr Zixiang Yu is a University Postgraduate Student at The University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom
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11:15 – Using Peer Feedback to Motivate and Shape Pre-service Teachers’ Critical Reflection (76071)
Dr Alexandra Vasile is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at University of Arkansas in United States
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Room E (Live Stream)
Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Session Chair: Priscila Costa

10:00 – Shark Fin Rising! How To Create a Dynamically Inclusive and Welcoming School Community (74111)
Dr David Parrish is a School Administrator at Charles J. Colgan, Jr. High School in United States
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10:25 – Construction of Instructional Design Model Using Picture Books on Children with Specific Language Impairment (75949)
Ms Li Jing is a University Postgraduate Student at Jiangsu Normal University in China
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10:50 – A Case Study: Psychological Trait Description of Adolescent Students Among Selected Progressive Schools in the Philippines (74834)
Professor Rishirl Alberto-Cuario Assistant Professor in National University- Manila
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11:15 – Left-Handed: Social Representations of Young People About an Invisible Difference (74267)
Dr Priscila Costa is a Business Owner/Executive at PUC/SP in Brazil
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Room F (Live Stream)
Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Session Chair: Chandra Mohan Vasudeva Panicker

10:00 – Learning Language but Not Only Language – A Case Study on COIL in International Settings (76111)
Ms Shuguang Wang is a University Doctoral Student at UNC-CH in United States
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10:25 – Transformative Effect of Reading Activities on Critical Incident Scenarios in Fostering Cultural Empathy (76083)
Ms Minami Hyodo is a University Postdoctoral Fellow or Instructor at Emory University in United States
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10:50 – An Investigation of Translanguaging as Language Policy in Chinese Higher Education (76073)
Ms Summer Wang is a University Postgraduate Student at University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom
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11:15 – Identifying and Addressing Mispronunciation Among College Students (75080)
Dr CHANDRA MOHAN VASUDEVA PANICKER is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Lincoln University College in Malaysia
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Room G (Live Stream)
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Session Chair: Susie Kung

10:00 – The Impact of Using Adult Learning Theory Principles in Design and Implementation of Professional Learning Experience at a Higher Education Institution (75922)
Aminath Zifna is currently a lead intrustional deisgner at the Maldives National University, Maldives.
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10:25 – Supporting Student Process of Writing a Preproposal for Final Graduation Projects: An Action Research Study (74424)
Dr Melania Piedra-Barrera is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at University of Costa Rica in Costa Rica
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10:50 – Teacher Burnout and Its Influence on Teacher Turnover (75373)
Ms Khuriya Paviz is a School Teacher/Instructor at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Aktau in Kazakhstan
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11:15 – Braving the Winds of Change: Self-Study as a Valid Change Agent in Teacher Education (76070)
The presenter bio is not available for this presentation, yet.
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Session 2

Room A (Live Stream)
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Session Chair: Yu Chun Liu

11:55 – Teaching Design in the Wake of Artificial Intelligence (76018)
Professor David Campos-Delgado is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Facultad del Hábitat UASLP in Mexico
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12:20 – Images As Catalysts: A Pedagogical Exercise Enhancing Writing Skills for First-Year PhD Design Students at the University of Porto (75210)
Professor Susana Barreto is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at University of Porto in Portugal
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12:45 – Interactive Empathy: From Pixels to Profits – Revitalizing E-commerce Through Visual Design Education (75981)
Dr YU CHUN LIU is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at National Taiwan University of Arts in Taiwan
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Room B (Live Stream)
Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Session Chair: Mary Joy Somao-I

11:55 – Students’ Learning Experience of a Pharmacy Curriculum Designed for Active Learning During the Pandemic, and Their Learning Expectation Post-pandemic (75041)
Dr Chooi Yeng Lee is currently a Senior Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy, Monash University, Malaysia campus.
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12:20 – Disengagement During Online Lectures: An Investigation of Media Multitasking, and Social Media Usage in Online Courses (75828)
Mr Jinming Du is a University Doctoral Student at University of Otago in New Zealand
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12:45 – Confluence of Virtual Learning Environments and Virtual Reality Integration: An In-depth Study in Digital Animation Education for Acceptance Among Learners (75898)
Ts Ng Perng Jeu is currently a lecturer of Digital Animation at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
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13:10 – College Students’ Experience on the Local Government Policies in Distance Learning (74557)
Ms Mary Joy Somao-i is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at National University - Manila in Philippines
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Room C (Live Stream)
Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Session Chair: Pedro Alves

11:55 – Empowering Interactive Learning and Educational Transformation Through Rapid eLearning Development Tools: A UAE-Based Case Study (76039)
Dr Sabir Haque is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at American University of Ras Al Khaimah in United Arab Emirates
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12:20 – Teaching in the Metaverse: Systematic Review of Virtual Reality Solutions for Higher Education (73980)
Dr Tommaso Santilli is a University Doctoral Student at University of Macerata in Italy
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12:45 – Analysis of the Impact of Project “Insert” on Primary and Secondary Education Teachers in Portugal (75341)
Professor Pedro Alves is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Portugal
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13:10 – The Use of Virtual Tabletop for Revising Electron Counting in Inorganic Chemistry (75614)
Dr Maw Lin Foo is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at National University of Singapore in Singapore
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Room D (Live Stream)
Education and Contemporary Development Issue
Session Chair: Naomi Tsunematsu

11:55 – A Social Privilege Simulation Game (76103)
Dr Sabrina Fontanella is a Phd student at Sapienza università di Roma. Her fields of interest are game design and active learning, circular economy and social sustainability. Right now she also is collaborating with an Italian game design company.
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12:20 – Sexual and Reproductive Health Education to Attain Inclusive Education in Indonesia (76104)
Ms Alfiatul Khairiyah is a University Postgraduate Student at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia
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12:45 – Intercultural Challenges of Western Exchange Students in Study Abroad in Japan: Voices of Western ‘Other’ and Identity Constructions (74861)
Dr Naomi Tsunematsu is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Hiroshima University in Japan
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13:10 – Emotion Suppression Among Ultra-Orthodox Female Teachers (74472)
Professor Izhar Oplatka is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Tel Aviv University in Israel
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Room E (Live Stream)
Higher Education
Session Chair: Abigail Jo Abainza

11:55 – Rethinking the HE Study Abroad Scholarship Programs in Saudi Arabia: Aligning Skills and Capabilities with Labour Market Priorities (72835)
The presenter bio is not available for this presentation, yet.
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12:20 – Home and Away: The Lived Experiences of UK-Based Algerian Doctoral Graduates on Returning Home to Algeria (74357)
Amina Manal Zidi is currently a 4th year Ph.D. student at the University of The West of Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom, my field of interest is Applied Linguistics.
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12:45 – Bicol University Strategic Framework for International Speaking Engagements (74774)
Ms. Abigail Jo M. Abainza is currently an Instructor of English Language at Bicol University.
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13:10 – Lifelong Learning and Global View: The Window of 21st-Century (76030)
Ms Lini Musammat Sultana Lais is a University Doctoral Student at Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary in Hungary
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Room F (Live Stream)
Foreign Languages Education: Teaching, Assessment, and Development
Session Chair: Jocelyn Perida-Castro

11:55 – Digital Technology Adoption in Legal Translation Education: A Systematic Literature Review (73933)
Ms Ann Margareth is a University Doctoral Student at State University of Jakarta (UNJ) in Indonesia
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12:20 – Empowering Learning: Exploring the Use of ChatGPT to Provide Feedback on Students’ Written Assignments in Higher Education (74937)
Ms. Aaisha Al Balushi currently a lecturer of Linguistics and TESOL courses at Rustaq College of Education, University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Oman.
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12:45 – The Integration of Error Correction Codes in Five Introductory Writing Classes (76085)
Dr Ann-Marie Simmonds is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Rabdan Academy in United Arab Emirates
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13:10 – Understanding Writers’ Intention: Personal and Impersonal Metadiscourse on Online Conference Abstracts (75959)
Ms Jocelyn Perida-Castro is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, School of Multidisciplinary Studies in Philippines
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Room G (Live Stream)
Learning Experiences, Students Learning & Learner Diversity
Session Chair: Sirichom Pichedboonkiat

11:55 – Students’ Perceptions of Virtual Laboratories in University Physics Classes for Engineers (74842)
Dr. RIM GHARBI is currently an Assistant Professor at the Mediterranean Institute of Technology (MedTech), Tunis–Tunisia
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12:20 – Community Based Learning in Business Education: Is it Effective and What are the Challenges? (75847)
The presenter bio is not available for this presentation, yet.
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12:45 – Teaching and Learning Experiences of Faculty and Students During Hyflex Classes at the Elementary School Division (76178)
Mr. Dalloran is currently an Elementary School faculty member at Jose Rizal University, Mandaluyong City, Philippines. He is also the Grade level Chair and the Science Coordinator. He has been teaching in the Basic Education for more than 15 years.
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13:10 – Integrating Teaching and Learning to Promote Knowledge, Creativity, and Work Skills for Students in Science-Based Technology Demonstration Classes, Thailand (74959)
Associate Professor Dr. Sirichom Pichedboonkiat Lecturer in the Social Sciences Department, Sociology major and social development at Faculty of Business Administration and Liberal Arts Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai.
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Session 3

Room A (Live Stream)
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Session Chair: Susilawati Susilawati

13:50 – The Application of TPRS Teaching Method for Chinese as a Second Language Students (75966)
Ms FANG HUANG is a University Postgraduate Student at Rajanmangala University of Technology Thanburi in Thailand
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14:15 – Augmented Reality Technology on Chinese Vocabulary Teaching for International Undergraduate Students (75968)
Jiayi Zou has been working at Sichuan University of Science and Engineering,I like to sing and draw.
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15:05 – Integrating STEM Education with Local Culture in Indonesia: Teachers’ Perspective and Practice (76099)
Dr Susilawati Susilawati is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Universitas Syiah Kuala in Indonesia
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Room B (Live Stream)
Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Session Chair: Francis Ankyiah

13:50 – Wayang: A Cultural Bridge to Inclusive Education Through Ethnopedagogy (74265)
Dr. Esther Idayanti is currently the Head of Research and Community Service, and a faculty member at Harvest International Theological Seminary (STT Internasional Harvest) in Tangerang, Indonesia. Her interests are in education and theology.
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14:15 – Student Engagement and Learning Experiences in Different Types of Humanities Courses – A Comparative Case Study (75790)
Ms Shuguang Wang is a University Doctoral Student at UNC-CH in United States
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14:40 – Lesson Design in Science Education and Its Correlation on Immigrant Students: A Case Study in Indonesian Schools in Sabah, Malaysia (73931)
I am currently conducting research about Teacher Professional Development Design to Promote Immigrant Student Academic Achievement. I am interest in education development, teacher education, migration, immigrant childern education, partnership.
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15:05 – From Kente Cloth to Tapestry Art: Exploring the Intricacies of Cultural Hybridity (73175)
Mr francis ANKYIAH is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA, GHAN in Ghana
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Room C (Live Stream)
Interdisciplinarity & Learning Productivity Development
Session Chair: Mikako Nobuhara

13:50 – Thinking Aloud Protocol Based Self-Report Questionnaire to Measure Metacognitive Skills in Mathematical Problem Solving (74932)
Mrs.Uthpala Athukorala, a Lecturer interested in developing IT solutions for improving teaching and learning process. Her current project is Feedback Mechanisms for Improving Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Digital Learning Environments.
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14:15 – The Role of ChatGPT in Improving Learning Productivity of Higher Education Students: A Case Study for Oman College of Management (75845)
Dr Sarah Attia is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Oman College of Management and Technology in Oman
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14:40 – Enhancing Mathematics Classroom Teaching Through Micro-Lessons and Increased Learning Interest (75960)
Ms Xiaomin Zhou is a University Postgraduate Student at Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi in Thailand
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15:05 – Practice of Classes for Helping Deepen Japanese Students’ Consideration of Communication Utilizing the Film, Top Gun Maverick Using Google Classroom (75561)
Professor Mikako Nobuhara is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Nagaoka University of Technology in Japan
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Room D (Live Stream)
Profession Training
Session Chair: Chengeto Chaderopa

13:50 – Virtual vs Conventional Internship: Its Impact on University Students and Fresh Graduate’s Employability Level (73902)
Lavenda Geshica, S.Psi., M.A. is currently a lecturer at Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
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14:15 – Post COVID-19: Enhancing Learners’ Project Management Skills Through Online and Face-to-Face Module (75337)
Dr. Dina Adinda is an associate professor in Education and training at the University Paris Nanterre. Her research interests include digital technology for teaching and learning, mentoring strategies, learners’ self-direction, and adult learning.
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14:40 – Factors Affecting to Skill Training in Trimming Process (73727)
Dr Wisitsree Wiyaratn is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi in Thailand
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15:05 – Authentic Assessment Design for Academic Integrity in Tourism Studies: The Theory-Practice Nexus (74165)
Dr Chengeto Chaderopa is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at International College of Management -Sydney in Australia
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Room E (Live Stream)
Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/multiculturalism & Language
Session Chair: Teresa Abainza

13:50 – Integration’s Learning Outcome Through Game-Based Learning and Cultural Practices among Learners: Edutainment Platform (75899)
Dr Pua is currently serve as associate professor at Institute of International Education, New Era University College,Malaysia.
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14:15 – Teaching Verb ‘Be’ to Arab English Learners: Challenges and Solutions (70282)
Ms Jumana Al-Amir is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Box Hill College Kuwait in Kuwait
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14:40 – Community-Based Language Development of Bikol Miraya (75733)
Dr Ma. Teresa Abainza is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Bicol University in Philippines
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Room F (Live Stream)
Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Session Chair: Afrianto Daud

13:50 – Enhancing Academic Writing Vocabulary Use through Direct Corpus Consultation: Saudi English Majors’ Perceptions and Experiences (72655)
Dr Raniya Alsehibany is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Riyadh Female College of Applied Technology in Saudi Arabia
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14:15 – Exploring Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices of Formative Writing Assessment: A Case Study of a Novice Secondary Teacher in Mainland China (74427)
Ms Xiaohan Liu is a University Doctoral Student at University of Exeter in United Kingdom
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14:40 – The Effectiveness of Critical Reading Strategies in Comprehension of Expository Texts (75576)
Ms Khuriya Paviz is a School Teacher/Instructor at Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Aktau in Kazakhstan
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15:05 – Students’ Responses on Using Interactive E-Module Based on Multimodal Text as a Self-Study Learning Resource for an English Structure Course (75111)
Afrianto Daud is an associate professor in English Teacher Education at the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Universitas Riau, Indonesia.
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Room G (Live Stream)
Higher Education
Session Chair: Chen Kun

13:50 – Investigating the Dimensions for Understanding the Self: A Pilot Study (75216)
Professor Sol Denamarca is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Iloilo State University of Fisheries Science and Technology in Philippines
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14:15 – Employability on Self-Perception Among IT Students: The Effects of Intrinsic Motivation and Academic Performance (76245)
Learning Innovation and Technology, Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand.
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14:40 – Determinants of Career Adaptability of Undergraduates in Malaysia (73160)
Mr Low Choon Wei is a University Doctoral Student at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaysia
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15:05 – Investigating Key Determinants Influencing the Improvement of Students’ Potential and Employability via Smart Campus Platform at Guangdong Vocational College, China (75963)
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Session 4

Room A (Live Stream)
Curriculum Design & Development
Session Chair: Fe Dullavin

15:45 – Analysis and Development of the Content Structure of the Content Marketing Design Course Using the Design Thinking Process (75246)
Miss Jantakan Sathapornwachana is a lecturer at Faculty of Science and Technology, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University, Ratchaburi, Thailand.
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16:10 – Tracer Study on the Graduates of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Batch 2020–2022: Basis for Curriculum Improvement (73622)
Assistant Professor Ghiebert Son Ilagan Octavio is currently the Department Head of Bachelor of Secondary Education of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. He is also an associate member of the National Research Council of the Philippines.
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Room B (Live Stream)
Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Session Chair: Jerrecho Pituk

15:45 – Parental Involvement and Adolescents’ Academic Achievements in China: A Cross-Lagged Analysis (72807)
Ms Yushan Jiang is a University Doctoral Student at The University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong
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16:10 – Teachers’ Challenges in Supporting Child-Centred Learning (76007)
Dr Masayu Dzainudin is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Sultan Idris Education University in Malaysia
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16:35 – Forgetting Green Biographies: Memories and Relationship with Plants in a Primary School (75958)
Professor Beate Weyland is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Free University of Bolzano in Italy
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17:00 – Exploring the Online Learning Experiences of College Students with Full Online Physical Education Course (75165)
Professor Jerrecho Pituk is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde in Philippines
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Room C (Live Stream)
Innovative & Interdisciplinary Teaching in Practice
Session Chair: Alvin Leong

15:45 – Installation Arts in Teaching Genetic Concepts (71660)
Mr Saturnino Macasinag is a School Teacher/Instructor at Ligao National High SChool in Philippines
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16:10 – Zen-Mind Filmmaking – A Pedagogical Approach to Liberate Filmmakers from Conditions and Entangled Dependence (74796)
Tzang Merwyn Tong is an award-winning Singapore independent filmmaker, arts educator and researcher whose research interests include pedagogies in storytelling, filmmaking and interdisciplinary learning.
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16:35 – Exploring Interdisciplinary Academic Literacy via a Faculty Learning Community: Designing a Rubric (74085)
Dr. Tan Mia Huan is a Senior Lecturer in the Language and Communication Centre at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
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17:00 – Integrating Action Research and Experiential Learning in Student Applied Research Projects (74797)
Dr Huay Ling Tay is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Singapore University of Social Sciences in Singapore
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Room D (Live Stream)
Education & Inclusive Development
Session Chair: Cheng Hsu

15:45 – Contribution of Ergonomics in Designing Accessible Classroom for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Indonesia: A Proposed Guideline (73938)
Fiodesy Gemilang Putri is a UX Researcher at GovTech Edu, building user-centric digital products to help education ecosystem in Indonesia. Currently, she is also preparing for her PhD with a focus on visual attention strategies for DHH students.
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16:10 – Impact of Gender and Inclusive Pedagogies on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Student Attendance and Performance (75990)
Ramesh Kumar Chhetri, a lecturer at Samtse College of Education, Bhutan, with a background in history, is currently serving as Dean of Student Affairs. He is passionate about teaching and making difference in children’s lives.
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16:35 – Establishing Norm Reference for SLI Children in Mainland China (75868)
Dr Cheng Hsu is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Jiangsu Normal University in China
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Room E (Live Stream)
Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Session Chair: Ahmed Shaban

15:45 – Emasculated Freedom? Quantified Academic Governance in the UK (73762)
Ms Miaomiao Jia is a University Doctoral Student at University of Cardiff in United Kingdom
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16:10 – The Effects of Contextual Leadership on Teacher Professional Learning, Self-Efficacy, and Commitment: Mediating Roles of Teachers’ Agency (75126)
Mr. Zhihao Huang is currently a sophomore doctoral candidate at Wenzhou-Kean University. His research interests are in educational leadership and teacher professional development.
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16:35 – University Female Leaders and Imposter Syndrome: An Exploratory Case Study in Malaysia (75412)
Ms Nouran Tarek is a University Postgraduate Student at University of Nottingham Malaysia in Malaysia
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17:00 – Supporting Schools, Educators, Students, and Families in a Transition to a Four Day Week (72909)
Dr Ahmed Aly Shaban Abdelmoteleb is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Higher Colleges of Technology - United Arab Emirates in United Arab Emirates
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Room F (Live Stream)
Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
Session Chair: Ching Ting Tany Kwee

15:45 – Career-Related Parental Behaviour and Senior Secondary Students’ Career Development in Underdeveloped China (75499)
Ms. YANG is currently an EdD student of the Department of International Education, the Education University of Hong Kong. Her research focus is senior secondary students' Life Planning Education.
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16:10 – Reflection on my Interactions with Student J in a Rural Primary School in China Within the Framework of Motivational Interviewing (75700)
Ms Jiayi Song is a School Teacher/Instructor at Tiandong County Zuodeng Yao Village Longqiong Primary School in China
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16:35 – When Counseling and Education Intertwine: Using Spelling Lessons as a Motivational Tool During Counseling in Detention Center – A Case Study (75619)
Suchakrey Koomplee is a psychologist and researcher in the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection, Thailand. He's been working on improving the physical and mental health of the at-risk youths using a multidisciplinary approach.
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17:00 – Navigating Career Pathways: The Impact of Mentorship Programs on Ethnic Minority Female Teachers in Australia (75906)
Ms Ching Ting Tany Kwee is a University Doctoral Student at The University of New South Wales in Australia
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Room G (Live Stream)
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