Development and Evaluation of an AI System for Supporting Elicitation and Sharing of Pedagogical Practical Knowledge (85527)
Session Chair: Elaine Correa
Wednesday, 27 November 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 708 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This research aims at the empirical development and evaluation of a Generative AI system that supports the extraction and sharing of practical knowledge possessed by university instructors. The study involved: 1) examining design principles that consider the characteristics of practical pedagogical knowledge, 2) developing a Generative AI system based on these principles, and 3) evaluating the performance of the developed system.
Firstly, in examining the design principles, a theoretical framework for systematically analyzing and classifying practical knowledge using "Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)" by Lee Shulman and "Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)", which encompass the knowledge required for effective teaching of content and the effective use of technology, was proposed. In general, practical knowledge includes tacit knowledge, such as teaching tips and pedagogical know-how, which are crucial for successful teaching practice, however, it may not be recognizable by the practitioners themselves. Hence, the requirements for effective “reflective inquiries” in eliciting tacit knowledge were identified and incorporated into the AI system’s design principles for inquiry generation.
Secondly, based on the design principles, an interactive dialogue-based AI system to elicit practical knowledge from university instructors utilizing Open AI’s GPTs was developed. Finally, the performance, accuracy, and validity of the system was evaluated, collaborating with members of the “MOST Fellowship Program,” a large-scale community of practice by Japanese university faculty members.
The evaluation results demonstrated that the AI system effectively supports eliciting the tacit practical knowledge of university instructors using reflective inquiries as well as systematically organizing and presenting that knowledge for sharing.
Yoshimi Kozai, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Toru Iiyoshi, Kyoto University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Yoshimi Kozai is currently an assistant professor in the faculty of Ritsumeikan University. Her research interests include Higher Education and Professional Development.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Wednesday Schedule
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