Changing Students by Osmosis: A Literature Review of Nudge Theory in Educational Technology (85658)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Nudge theory is an influential theory in the behavioral sciences and related fields. With the development of information technology, its integration with the area of educational technology has received increasing attention. The purpose of this study is to explore the theoretical combination and practical application of nudge theory in educational technology. First, on the theoretical level, the integration of nudge and educational technology involves discussion of data-driven interventions, the proposal of online engagement frameworks, and integrated analysis frameworks. Further, in terms of the form of application, it can be categorized into three types: information nudges (e.g., email, short message service, and personal feedback), social nudges (e.g., social comparison and social norms), and digital nudges (i.e., user interface design). Finally, current empirical studies have shown that nudging strategies have significant positive effects on students' learning attitudes, behaviors, and effectiveness. However, the effects of nudging strategies in education are influenced by specific application contexts and individual differences, and it requires further clarification of the conditions under which this theory is applicable. Future research directions include exploring the effectiveness and differentiation of different nudging strategies, developing more personalized and interactive nudging tools, and optimizing nudging strategies with data analytics to build more inclusive and effective learning environments.
Chengze Zeng, Peking University, China
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Chengze Zeng is a University Postgraduate Student at Peking University in China
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