Assessing the Impact of Second Language (L2) Writing Instruction on the Rhetorical Structure of Student Writing (87780)

Session Information: Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics
Session Chair: Nur Najla Zainal Anuar

Thursday, 28 November 2024 13:20
Session: Session 3
Room: Room 708 (7F)
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

This study assesses the effect of second language writing instruction on the rhetorical structure of L2 student writing. Since the identification of different culturally influenced rhetorical patterns of written discourse (see Kobayashi & Rinnert, 1996; Hinds, 2001), a number of researchers have questioned the supposed differences between writing produced by people from different countries (see Kubota & Al Lehner 2004; Belcher 2014); stressing that in the globalized world that we live in, it is difficult to assign one particular rhetorical pattern based upon nationality or culture. To address this question, this study assessed whether the rhetorical structure of L2 student writing changed as a result of receiving academic writing instruction over a period of 17 weeks. Findings revealed that there were significant differences between the pre and post-test writing of the learners who took part. Follow up semi-structured interviews with randomly selected students revealed that academic writing instruction can draw L2 students’ attention to possible differences in the organization and presentation of writing and allows them to understand the expectations of the reader.

Ian Davison, Rabdan Academy, United Arab Emirates

About the Presenter(s)
Dr Ian Davison is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Rabdan Academy in United Arab Emirates

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00