The Role of Process Observation Analysis in Understanding Group Dynamics: Input to Effective Participation, Communication, and Interaction (88639)

Session Information:

Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation

All presentation times are UTC + 9 (Asia/Tokyo)

The process observation analysis highlighted practical applications of essential elements in group dynamics such as interaction, participation, and task fulfillment. This study emphasized the importance of incorporating process observation techniques to educational counseling in ensuring support to obtain student’s good educational outcomes, effective decision-making, and smooth transition processes of conflict resolution. The study observed that an organized agenda and proper time management during engagements can contribute to the productivity in an organization in general. The study showed the value of planning and timing in obtaining successful results of organizational meetings. The use of a participation matrix in process observation analysis showcased the methodological approach of observing and evaluating how each participants contributed to the group discussion. This allowed a thorough examination of group interaction, effective participation, and overall productivity in group engagements. The use of both qualitative and quantitative techniques in this study emphasized the critical impact of data collection and observational techniques in doing research. These approaches foster a participatory learning environment leading to a more effective decision-making process, and achievement of a highly observable educational outcomes. The results of the study showed that a U-shaped seating formation facilitated equal engagement and open conversation during group dynamic activities. This ensured equal involvement of all members in the activity. The results also showed that creating a collaborative and conducive atmosphere are contributory to an active participation. Lastly, effective process observation analysis serves as an effective tool in analyzing interactions, communication, and other elements, which are essential for cooperative decision-making processes.

Vielle Digor, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Geewel Dariagan, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Kristine Bernadette Empaynado, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Jemerson Baldonado, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Jeremie Nervar, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Isaac Philip Eraga, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines
Jaypy Tenerife, Technological Institute of the Philippines, Philippines

About the Presenter(s)
Mr. Vielle P. Digor, an independent researcher in the Industrial Engineering Program, College of Engineering and Architecture, Technological Institute of the Philippines, is working on process observation analysis in industrial engineering education.

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Posted by Clive Staples Lewis

Last updated: 2023-02-23 23:45:00