Sound and Non-Musical Meaning: Linguistic Typology, Phonosyntax and Expressive Possibilities of Spoken Text (88684)
Tuesday, 26 November 2024 13:00
Session: Poster Session 2
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
The aim is to identify the current possibilities and challenges of researching the relationship between sound language form and how it can be a stimulus for the generation of meaning in non-musical linguistic communication practice in four typologically different languages: English, Spanish, Japanese and Slovak. A sound, syntactic and meaning unit, sirreme, was identified for the Spanish language, which turns out to be fundamental for proper communication. We are looking for this unit and other phenomena connecting these levels and criteria in named languages. When clarifying the conceptual and theoretical apparatus and the state of understanding of the topic, we use the literary-historical method and the conceptual analysis of the basic linguistic, semiotic, and philosophical models of these levels of the communicative process. We focus on units common to language and speech. Using a comparative sound and syntactic analysis, we identify the units common to these two levels on the example of the audiovisual work Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and its translations. Sirreme and other phonosyntactic units and phenomena present in such typologically and historically different languages show a level of importance for the communication of fundamental properties, which until now has been practically mainly addressed by professionals engaged in spoken language production. However, their rules can be precisely described, scientifically exactly researched, and applied not only in science but also in foreign language teaching, improving the quality of speech even among ordinary users of the language.
Andrea Kóňová, University Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia
Martin Štúr, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia
About the Presenter(s)
Mgr. Andrea Kóňová is a doctoral student of Lingvodidactics. She is currently involved in Kega project - Electronic university textbook of Spanish grammar and Uga project - Interconnection of language levels in teaching.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Tuesday Schedule
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